Netflix remakes 1953 French movie The Wages of Fear into a Fast and Furious spectacle

Wages of Fear
Netflix remakes 1953 French movie The Wages of Fear into a Fast and Furious spectacle


The 1953 French movie Wages of Fear is widely regarded as a classic and one of the key influences on modern movies. It’s a tale of desperate men transporting two truckloads of nitroglycerine across a danger-laden desert – and while it’s an edge of the seat thriller, it’s also a savage satire. 

One reviewer on Rotten Tomatoes, where it has a flawless 100% score, calls it “an uncompromising parable about money, greed, and man’s jealous desire for that which he can never have”. The movie is so iconic that it was remade in 1977 under the title Sorcerer, and now Netflix is remaking its own version of it.


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